Exceptional moments necessitate exceptional actions. In the coming years, we may witness the final disintegration of American democracy and wonder why we weren’t fighting from the start. Or, we can seize this moment to find within ourselves something entirely new.
This moment of crisis may be disorienting, but the choice is clear: we can be courageous or we can be compliant.
Where others are compliant, shrinking from the fight and paving Trump’s path to wreak havoc on our communities, let us be courageous enough to build a new resistance, together.
Just a few years ago, an entirely new generation of Americans came of age in the political nightmare of the first Trump Administration. Together, we battled the steady creep of MAGA authoritarianism, undeterred by the systematic degradation of democratic institutions.
Bearing witness to Trump and MAGA’s resurgence has afforded us clarity of purpose. Every unchallenged degradation of our neighbors' human dignity, violation of basic civil liberties, and fabrication of a new Big Lie strengthens MAGA’s license to erase a free and democratic future. We’re committed to our most fundamental American obligation: defeating fascism and overcoming MAGA, once and for all.